Affiliations & Links

Integrative Anthropological Sciences Unit UNM Human Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences
Integrative Anthropological Sciences Unit The UCSB Integrative Anthropological Sciences Unit
broom biodem evol Broom Demography Center: Biodemography & Evolution Area
Culture and the Mind Culture and the Mind
This interdisciplinary project investigates the philosophical consequences of the impact of culture on the mind and the cognitive and evolutionary foundations of culture

Santa Fe Institue Inheritance of Inequality in Pre-modern Societies
This comparative study of inter-generational transmission of wealth and other aspects of inequality and social hierarchy in small scale and other pre-modern societies expands our understanding of the evolution of human social systems

Foundations of Human Sociality Foundations of Human Sociality
Using cross-cultural economic games to better understand the co-evolution of pro-social norms and market economies, this project examines economic behavior in 15 small scale societies.

Proyecto Sanöma Proyecto Sanöma
Combining anthropological research, clinical interventions, and health education, Proyecto Sanöma is designed to examine competing models of cooperative exchange and trade networks in relation to health.

Tsimane Amazonian Panel Study Tsimane Amazonian Panel Study